
Friday, February 8, 2019

February 7. Day 38. Love me. Love my dog

 You know that thing about how people come to look like their pets? I happen to believe it's not true. However whether it is the nature of what we select or the nurture of how we treat our animals I do think they come to reflect us.
At the beach today I met scoot - he was bounding up the beach and launching himself after balls. His owner Jade seemed similarly energetic.
Meanwhile, Rumple was meandering up the beach and going and introducing himself to people. He was in no hurry and really wanted to get to know people. Gee that doesn't remind me of anyone ... going and chatting to strangers.
Winkle was just enjoying being on the beach. She loves a swim but makes sure she doesn't get out of her depth and avoids the
dumping surf. These are plays straight out of the Susan playbook. But while we are there another dog bounds into the surf and fights her way through the breakers to carry a ball above her head. We don't do this. Too much like hard work, which is not our style.

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