
Saturday, February 16, 2019

February 16. Day 47. What light at yonder window breaks

 This is a heart-warming little story about community, and friendship and humanity.
Margaret loves to interact with the world from her window. When she lived next door to me she knew every person in the street and everyone who walked by. She's continued that in her aged care facility. She's told me about the people she sees each day walking their dogs or their kids to school and how she waves to them.
And then this week she received a hand written latter and flowers "To Our Friend in the Window, Second Floor Corner Apartment overlooking the Brook". It was from Em-Jay who waves to Margaret every morning about 5am when she walks her dog. It was so special it melted my heart. There was an email and a mobile phone number and today we met Em-Jay. She brought cake. We had a lovely chat and she promised to visit often. My dogs approved. Just when your faith in human kindness is tested ...

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