
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 27. Day 86. Snakes alive

I spend a lot of time Brisbane's cultural precinct. And I can walk there quite easily. And yet I need an excuse to walk through the doors of the museum. That's insane. It really is. the museum is pretty awesome and for the most part it's totally free. I was reminded of this today for a couple of fronts. My friend Alison and her boys were in town and their invite lured me down the hill. But more than that - the boys were already at the museum earlier in the week and they enjoyed it so much they wanted to go back. And why not? Everywhere you turn, there's something new and exciting to discover.
So I got to feed my own curiosity and at the same time feed off their enthusiasm. That's time (and no money) well spent if you ask me.

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