
Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16. Day 259. Zombies want me for my brain

I have been known to whinge about my job. And yes it is true that marking totally sucks. Totally.
But there are far worse things a girl can do for a crust. What I love most is that the nature of the beast is that you do get to experiment. Officially it's called research or innovation. In the Creative Industries Faculty it's probably probably called being a "Creative" or practice-lead research. I call it being paid to be a big kid.
So today I invited three Zombies to join me at my lecture, well to be exact they were allowed to come in, take over and abduct me for my brain.
And all the while the students were encouraged to video, film and tweet the whole thing.
This could all sound like an elaborate excuse to write only half a lecture but that wasn't it (although that was a happy byproduct).
I teach journalism and as such I would be doing my students a disservice if I didn't equip them with the skills to live cover events. And seriously what better thing to cut your teeth on than Zombies?
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. And my reward? Hashtags like this #lecturesarefun.
Result. Thanks to Courtney, Aaron and Pip from Ipswich Little Theatre for volunteering to join me in the stunt.

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