
Saturday, December 9, 2017

December 9.Day 343. Oh Christmas Tree

Christmas trees. They are much more than just a decoration we put up and adorn in the festive season. Just about everyone I know has a routine, a tradition or at very least a firm opinion of what a decorated Christmas tree should look like. There are the real tree people and the artificial tree camp. Some people are firmly in favour of tinsel. Some people won't let it in the room much less on the tree. I know people who buy all new decorations every year and those who like one special new ornament to mark each year. My tree has been with me since the year my father died bought with the $$$ I earned from the proceeds I earned from writing a feature story about his death. As such it is special in its own right. But it is big and putting it up is a big commitment. It really is a team effort. For a number of years Christy was my tree angel. While she was studying,  Christy was our domestic goddess. She would cook or clean, entertain the boy or at Christmas help conquer the tree. Then she graduated, got a proper job and we lost her BUT she's back. As fate would have it she contacted me today and said she'd be in the area at lunch time. We were overdue a catch up. Could she drop around? Hell yeah. We love catching up with Christy and as luck would have it today was the day set aside for "the tree". Just like the good old days, she pitched in. She said she missed it. It was a tradition. I tell you what, that's a tradition I'd be very happy with.

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