
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22. Day 82. Colourful characters

The business of the haircut drives me slightly nuts. Sitting still on the couch I can do. Sitting staring at my reflection under unforgiving salon lights is my idea of torture.  Having said that, the parade of characters is both colourful and entertaining. Today there was Corey. From Corey I learned about a colleague with an unfortunate habit of returning to an ex, a man who is lacking in the area of teeth. Specifically he has none. While Corey was colouring my hair I learned that he had been a competitive swimmer but threw in the towel principally because he really wasn't a competitive person - at least when it came to the pool. Hairdressing competitions, however, brings out his competitive beast. He's working on a creation for an upcoming show. It will be a Carmen Miranda-inspired "do" with a twist in that all the fruit and the fruit basket will be made of hair. He has a couple of the pieces of fruit already done but is now deciding whether the basket will be real or synthetic hair. He prefers working with the real business but synthetic hair has a more consistent texture. He is about to embark on basket weaving lessons. I love colourful characters like that. His vision and enthusiasm is infectious.  For the protection of the innocent there will be no pics of Corey, his fruit basket or the man with no teeth. Instead the colour will come from the post haircut walk through the Roma Street Parklands.

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