
Friday, July 5, 2019

July 5. Day 185. Curiouser and curiouser

Stuff and nonsense.
I am not sure what Lewis Carroll was on when he wrote Alice in Wonderland but I want some.
Or perhaps I don't. The world confuses me enough already. But perhaps that's the point. Embrace the crazy. You can never beat it.
Anyway, despite the fact that it makes absolutely no sense, kids (and their big people) love Alice in Wonderland. It could be that it's because it makes no sense they like it. Who knows.
Anyway, today I fell down the rabbit hole and went to Fame Theatre's production of Alice in Wonderland.
It was bright and energetic and made just the right amount of nonsense.
The kids loved it.
Their adults loved it.
And then we all paraded down the road to the park for a tea party - with no tea just as one would expect from Alice in Wonderland.

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