
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

July 24. Day 204. Feeding time

Two things happened whenever I visit Margaret. I get a report on what she's eating, generally in great detail. She likes things the way she likes things. She will give instructions on sandwich making, on the temperature of tea and how she never, ever wants brocolli or soup ("I only ever eat Campbell's)..
But there are also details on the eating pattens on the birds. The noisy miners (addressed as tweety, tweeties) like cake and biscuits. The butcher birds (butchey, butcheys) take their mince and break it up on the edge of the balcony. The magpies have families they take off to feed. The crows come early and so it goes. It is a routine that means so much to her. And the birds are clearly happy and confident. Some come into the room. They all come right up to the door and she talks to them. It really is a sight to be seen.

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