
Saturday, July 13, 2019

July 13. Day 193. Cottage industry

It is well possible that I'm completely insane. Certainly I have a bad habit of agreeing to  things I could easily avoid.
Today that had me at Mayes Cottage with my camera.
Anyone who knows me knows that I really don't need a lot of convincing to be lured to a new place with the promise of getting a few good shots.
Today was no exception and to be honest it was a pretty nice day to be out in the sun once it started warming up.
And we had a crazy time playing the types of games that require no screens and no batteries (shock horror).
Naturally I took longer than I should and took far more frames than strictly necessary but they are other bad habits of mine.
But if those are the worst of my bad habits (they are not) I'm doing well.
Anyway, here is some of the evidence of the insanity of this morning.
Make of it, what you will.

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