
Saturday, August 11, 2018

August 11. Day 224. Something to crow about

 Why do we hate crows? A crow has never swooped on me, or threatened to knock me off my bike or poke my eyes out. A magpie has. Both sea gulls and ibis have committed even worse crimes against Susan - stolen my hot chips. That's war people. Crows have never dug up my garden like scrub turkeys or laughed at me like kookaburras. Yet crows get the bad rap. Actually, the crow it the black sheep of the avian world. Discrimination on the basis of colour in the animal kingdom is rife too perhaps. After all, it's the black dog that haunts those with depression and black cats that bring bad luck. So perhaps, the crow is hated by association. But I like their spirit. I like the way they will eat just about anything. I like the sheen of their plumage. Yeah, they have a singing voice about as attractive as mine but people still love me ... laughs at own joke. We can't all be colourful, well not all the time. Sometimes the world really is black and white.

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