
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23. Day 143. Spanner in the works

The universe doesn't like me today, it just doesn't. I mean it's one thing to be thrown out of a pub at closing time but to be removed from a GPs' waiting room because you sound disgusting, that's not supposed to be a thing. Well not in my experience until today. I coughed. The nurse appeared from nowhere and ushered me to the back treatment room. She issued face masks to all the staff. Nasal swabs, a TB test, chest X-Ray and drugs normally used to treat emphysema followed. As long as it stops the paralyzing cough which has a significant side effect: feeling-sorry-for-self-itis. And just when I thought it could get no worse I get this text from my cleaner telling me water was dripping through the light fitting of the downstairs bathroom. That can only mean two things - lots of $$$ and inconvenience. In all honesty the mere thought of having to engage tradesmen makes the tightness in my chest tighten further.
By late afternoon, Tom was on the job. He found the problem but not yet the solution. The dishwasher is leaking but my new buddy Tom will get the the appliance man here in the morning. At least that's something. Right now I don't have the energy...or the dishwasher ... or the lung capacity. The good news is I don't have pneumonia either.

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