
Friday, September 28, 2012

September 28. Day 272. Throwing yourself off a cliff

 Stradbroke Island Camping. Day 3

The mother's phrase book, Page 227a contains the following advice.
When child says "But Mum,  it's not fair. [Insert name of child's friend here] is allowed to do it."
Mum is to reply: "Well if [Insert name of child's friend here] jumped off a cliff would you do it too?"
Apparently the answer is supposed to be no but as my camping buddies Daniel, 16, and Scott, 14, showed today if one was going to jump off a cliff the other certainly was not going to miss out. The boys are masters at dune jumping in a way that makes me glad that my son is a home boy. Scary stuff.
To me just the business of going camping is enough of a big leap out of the comfort zone. Home again and after a long bath I can reveal that while I am not exactly a convert I did have a great time.
But the truth is I just don't get it. I presume that the idea of camping is to get away from it all. As I walked around the camping ground, however, and looked at the extravagantly elaborate tents and annexes plus camping accessories that must have cost a king's ransom it rather struck me that many campers only wanted to get away from it all if they could take it all with them.
There is a lovely camaraderie about camping but there is also so much messing around to get simple chores like cooking and eating out of the way.
I guess you just have to throw yourself in. Either you will enjoy it or not and just because [insert friend's name here] thinks going camping is a good idea doesn't mean you have to. Certainly there was no way I was throwing myself off the cliff like these teens. This girl is happier with her feet on the ground and her body sleeping in a bed.



  1. wow thy are truly great shots,,, oh to be young and fit

  2. Those pics are amazing and the campsite looks great!

  3. Susan, these are amazing pictures, every week you surprise me with our wonderful photos. What amazing captures of those acrobats and that beach is to dye for

  4. You take the most amazing photographs, the scenery and sunshine certainly help! When do we lose the carefree attitude to have a go at completely reckless and crazy stunts like this?

    Thanks for linking up

  5. Wow! I love the shots of the jumping, taken at the perfect moment!

  6. O.M.G!!! you take the most amazing captures and these are so well amazing!! out my 'jump' photo to shame lol. how on earth can they somersault through the air like that? wow! i like the dog catching the frisbee too. actually, all these shots are fantastic. wow again x x

  7. All the photos are brilliant, I could't choose one I liked best! How the hell do they work out they can jump like that - it looks like it could be very painful if you don't do it right!

  8. awesome photos as usual. I love your action shots, always so well captured.

  9. Amazing pictures, love how carefree life can be, makes me wonder where i became so old and grumpy!

  10. Love these shots. Makes me want to jump into the waves too!

    (Came over from The Boy and Me's 366)

  11. Wow... brilliant photos. I'm going to pretend I didn't see those upside down people pictures, I don't want to think about what my son will be getting up to in a few years time!

  12. Some of them look very scary!
    Brave boys!

  13. Wow amazing photos. Love the way you captured all the action.

  14. Those are some amazing action shots and the fantastic beach just perfects the scenery.

  15. Wow what amazing photos. And just look at that sea. I'm glad my boys aren't into anything like this *touch wood* though as it would frighten me to death.
