
Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 19. Day 138. Greek tragedy

Okay, tragedy might be a bit strong but missing the Paniyiri festival is certainly sad. Given I live in walking distance from the annual Greek festival, a highlight of the Brisbane calendar, missing out is poor form. But the truth is I was feeling up to it. I'm  a one commitment a day girl right now and we'd booked tickets to see a movie tonight so that was my lot.
But the dogs don't get to go to the movies and they wanted their one outing so we walked by and had a look.
We breathed in the scents from a safe distance and watched all the fun of the fair from the other side of the fence.
Admitted it's a poor second best but better than nothing.
Sometimes you have to go for self preservation even if it means no octopus and honey puffs.

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