
Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 18. Day 137. Jail bird

I would make an excellent criminal.
Granted, I really don't have criminal inclinations and I'm a natural rule follower not a rule breaker but I have what it takes ...  or at least I don't have ... fingerprints.
Today I went to the Southern Queensland Correctional Precinct, or as it is better known, Queensland's women's prison.
We were there to see Shakespeare, the first time in Australia such a project has taken place involving female prisoners.
This is not why I know I have criminal possibilities. To be an audience member in a prison performance you need to go through security clearance. Your fingerprints are scanned as you enter and are required as you pass through numerous checkpoints as well as when you leave. My fingerprints refuse to register, again and again. Eventually they gave up. Apparently I have basically no prints. Criminal possibilities right there. And you know what else? My mother who came with me suffers from the same lack of prints. Wow, a whole family with criminal tendencies.

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