
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April 10. Day 100. Life imitating art

 We love Gogglebox. Indeed, it's pretty much the only reality TV show we can all agree on. That's perhaps strictly not true. We all love Masterchef but we can all watch TV. Making toast and cooking pasta from a pack wouldn't cut it on Masterchef.
Until now, applications for Gogglebox were restricted to families from Sydney and Melbourne. Now Brisbane families are invited to apply. So apply we did.
This means both photographs on the couch were we watch TV and  a video. Naturally that meant the whole family - dogs and all. We also had to fill in a survey about the things we like and don't like on TV. The dogs were exempt from that bit. And then it was submitted. So now it's over to the reality TV gods. We live in hope.

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