
Saturday, December 22, 2018

December 22. Day 357. Giving them a bit of Curri

 I spent a lot of time staring at strange men not wearing very much this morning.
I pointed my long lens in their direction. I even spoke to one on the beach.
Seriously, it's a wonder I don't get arrested.
Anyway, the nice young man humoured me with a chat. By his accent, I'd say he was English.
I have a habit of singling out the English ones.
I didn't ask his name but he's the one falling off the board.
Let's call him Hugh... or perhaps Colin ... (Love Actually/English actors reference. Keep up people)
Colin/Hugh told me it was really deceptive in the surf this morning.
It was hard work padding out.
The waves were good but breaking really close to the shore, probably because it was high tide.
Not like Curri at all, he said.
So there you have it.
Straight from the Hugh's mouth ... I now do surf reports.
And then before I had a restraining order slapped on me, we parted ways and I went back to my dogs and my birds and Currimundi Beach ... sorry Curri, I'm a local now.
Also, in honour of Hugh, some mushrooms or perhaps toadstools because he seemed like a fungi (fun guy, get it). Right, lest anyone think I've been sampling the magic mushrooms myself, I'll stop now. Here's my bit of Curri for you.

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