
Monday, June 24, 2019

June 24. Day 174. On the ball

I did a wee small bit of baby sitting today. Well, actually what I did was play soccer and handball and shoot hoops.
It turns out I can still land a ball through the middle of a basketball hoop.
It turns out I can beat the goalie when he is five years old.
It turns out that when the said five-year-old throws a sticky ball somewhere in the region of my sticky catching mitt I can catch it fairly well.
It also turns out that when the opponent is scoring and making the rules up as he goes along the chances of winning are next to none.
But it was a bright sunny afternoon and it was very nice to play in the garden.
I also put a two year old to sleep and read bedtime stories and had the joy of the post sleep cuddle.
So that's a win and no-one was keeping score.

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