
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June 25. Day 175. Picture This

God I'm talented. I can drink and paint at the same time. Admittedly I can't do either of them very well but I can do them at the same time.
I really enjoys plashing paint on a canvas but it kind of terrifies me more than other artistic endeavours. An actual blank canvas presents endless possibilities and it is that open-endedness that makes it so confronting.
There really is no right and wrong in art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all at but there are things I would like on my wall and things I wouldn't and I know where I draw the line. Throwing in a couple of drinks doesn't actually move the line but it blurs it. So tonight I went to a paint and sip session. That's where you have wine while you paint socially. It was great. My painting wasn't. I didn't actually care.

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