
Saturday, October 7, 2017

October 7. Day 280. Thank you for the music

I will have a quiet weekend, I said. I will stop acting like Wonder Woman and concede that may be my body is trying to tell me something. I didn't listen. I never listen. I mean when push comes to not very hard shove, I love live entertainment and sitting on your bum watching others give it their heart and soul isn't exactly strenuous now is it? So I spent the afternoon in a theatre. I spent the evening in a theatre too. Moderation is not my middle name. The evening was more familiar territory. Drama Teen and I were at The Brisbane Powerhouse for a spot of musical theatre. I've mentioned previously that this year seems to be the year for 21st birthday parties. This afternoon was my third but one with a difference. Redland Rhapsody Chorus celebrated its 21st in the way you would expect of four-part cappella harmony chorus - with a musical extravaganza. My friend Sal invited me to attend, and a girl should never say no to a birthday invite, right? Beautiful music, extravagant costumes and a human birthday cake that exploded with confetti. Yep, the showgirl in me was dead impressed. And there was Dancing Queen. What more can a girl ask for?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Susan, for such beautiful photos. As one of the performers in this show, it was lovely to be able to see these from the audience perspective.
