
Friday, October 13, 2017

October 13. Day 286. Ready to fly

I'm still under house arrest. I am not getting any better at it. I swear even the kookaburras are laughing at me. I did get to leave the house this morning, where leaving the house is defined as driving down the road to drop off a poo sample and for a blood test. That's about as much fun as my body can handle, that and delivering the groceries to Margaret. Coles Click and Collect is a wonderful thing when all I have to do is click on the groceries I want and Drama Teen can drive to the supermarket to collect them. Winning. Mostly I am in bed or on the couch. Exactly why my chosen viewing is true medicine or medical fiction is beyond me. But I never tire of House. And the almost daily calls from my specialist continue. Liver counts are improving but not enough to consider going to work on Monday. He orders a quiet weekend and more blood tests on Monday. We might repeat the ultrasound. I go back to the couch and watch more House and order more groceries and listen to the kookaburras laughing at me.

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