
Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 14. Day 14. The Lifeline Bookfest

I love a good book and I confess it is not enough to just read them.I like to own them. I like to have them on the book shelf. I like to categorise them by author or colour or size. The books I read fall into three categories
1) proper books by proper authors
2) beach books - those page turners that are great by the pool or on the beach. It doesn't really matter if they get wet or you don't finish them. You have little or no emotional investment in them but they are entertaining reads and don't require your undivided attention
3)Junior and teen fiction. I just love the amazing books being written for young readers perhaps spurred on by J.K. Rowling. I love reading them and I love the bond they give me and my son. He's better hurry up with those Hunger Games books. I'm growing impatient.
Given all that, I love the Lifeline Bookfest. Literally millions of second hand books at bargain basement prices. It opened in Brisbane today. I stopped by on my walk just for a look as the doors were opening. Anything I bought I'd have to carry home so today wasn't the day for buying big but I did sneak in a few John Grishams and James Pattersons (which are in my category 2) and an Ian McEwan (about the top of categort 1). I will be back before the Bookfest ends on Janaury 22.


  1. Oliver is old enough for Hunger Games isn't he? The movie is out this year so he may as well read it now. IMHO of course��. Love the pic btw.

  2. Oh yeah, Oliver is old enough for Hunger Games he is just taking his own sweet time reading them and won't let me read them till he's done......
