
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

August 21. Day 234. Be yourself

Thank you Donald Trump for drawing faking it into the public consciousness.  Yes, there have always been fakers, fraudsters and phonies but let's face it, social media has allowed such activities to become a sport.
And in the short term you can probably get away with it. Eventually, however, you will get caught out. There are no short cuts, my friend and Supreme Influencer Nikki Parkinson told students today.
 Sure you can buy "friends" in the Facebook sense or Instagram followers but money won't buy you love. The only thing you have that is different from everyone else in a crowded media space is you. That is your unique selling point. That is the one thing you need to capitalise in. Be yourself and develop that brand you. Employers will search you. Make sure they like what they see. You tell 'em Nikki.

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