
Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2. Day 62. Row, row, row your boat

I am very glad my son is an arty type whose extra curricular activities are generally after school or at night: drama, singing lessons, debating, book club all after school. This is reinforced when my walk takes me down to the river at West End in the very early morning where the school rowing teams are out in force. From before dawn they are there and at times it seems busier than central station. This morning it was going off. There were rowers everywhere and much, much shouting as the crews went through their paces on the water. Obviously not all the boats were on the water. I was particularly taken by this formation of boats outside one of the school sheds.


  1. Love the form, the golden boats of West End.. I'll check em out when at the Markets in the morning

  2. love the photo, thought they were lights at first glance
