At a media preview for Queensland Theatre Company's The Wider Earth today a woman I see at many of these types of events asked who I worked for. (Fortunately she did not ask "what do you do for a crust?" because someone once told me the answer to that is "don't change my underpants for a week" something I still can't get out of my head). Anyway, despite the straightforward nature of her question I did hesitate. I work for QUT but I rather imagine she wasn't actually asking who puts pay into my account every fortnight. I assume what she wanted to know is who I review for, a very different question in that this one brings no $$$ at all. The reviews are for the ABC and the reward for that is something money can't buy such as behind the scenes access to things such as the cast, crew and puppets of The Wider Earth which looks absolutely fascinating. The show opened tonight but I wasn't there, mainly because I was down the road at QPAC seeing We Will Rock You. The QTC production will need to wait until Monday night by which time I will have seen another four shows. Yep, this theatre reviewing thing might not pay but it allows me to see far, far more shows than the wages I collect for my day job would reasonable allow and that is an awesome reward. And then I get to tell people what I thought about it which too is a privilege.

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