Wouldn't be cool to be the one with your finger on the switch? It's not that I am the power hungry type that has the desire to make any really big decisions. Actually just he opposite. The type of buttons presidents and prime ministers get to push, those buttons always come with big stakes and as many winners as losers. Those decisions would make you lose sleep at night and the losses for others are far greater. So not that switch. I just want to be the one who has the power to not only choose what colours light the Story Bridge at night and to push the switch that turns them on (although I not so secretly suspect there is no switch but a boring old computer program). Anyway the city girl that I am, I really love the city skyline as night begins to fall. I love it even more now there are coloured lights. If you care about these things there is even a schedule of colours and charitable causes for those lights. My guess is that most people seeing those lights neither know nor care. It's just another element that makes our city captivating. There's always something interesting to see. My walk this afternoon started at New Farm where the park was a hive of activity and colourful characters of quite a different nature. Impressive. There was even a bridge of another type, all arms and legs. Unfortunately both that and the light switch are far, far out of my reach. I shall have to content myself with watching but not touching.

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