Here's something I could have been good at. Today the Queensland tree-climbing titles - and national selection trials -
were held at Murarrie. Who doesn't love climbing a tree and I was quite
good at it as a child except for one small detail - I could climb up but
was completely useless where it came to getting down again. Frequently
my father had to come up and get me. I'm reckoning little Leni
will have no such issues. The 18-month-old from the Gold Coast took to a
harness like a duck to water when let loose in the Kids Climb area of
the event. She really got into the swing of it. Mind you, Leni had one
small advantage over me - her Dad Campbell is an arborist and the family
own a climbing business. Something tells me she will be scaling trees
like a professional in no time at all.But even those kids without tree climbing in their blood were having an
awesome time harnessing up and scaling some of the beautiful gun tress
in Comslie Beach Reserve. Not one of them seemed to need Dad to come to
their rescue. Hmmm, perhaps I wouldn't have been a champion after all.
But who cares? It was a beautiful day and they all seemed to be having a
great time just hanging around in the trees.

My Country Kids next week is going to look a little like this. Great photos, mine are shaking more as I was climbing too! So much fun, thanks for linking up to Country Kids.