If the saying is right and you are only as old as you feel, the telegram from the Queen should be about to be delivered to my front door. I have done something seriously awful to my back which makes any position other than vertical or horizontal a virtual impossibility without drugs - lots of them. Even drugged, I move like someone you would help across the street or give up your seat on the bus for. Poor old me.

Of course my complete lack of mobility in no way allows for a relaxation of Rule 1: Mothers don't get sick. So with more than a little help from my friends in the medicine cupboard, I dragged myself out of bed, put on some make up and a brave face and carried out the school and work drop offs this morning. This brought me to Fortitude Valley where I spied this derelict building.
Pretty much summed up how I was feeling - a bit of colour and tarting up does little to disguise the fact that it's a hollow shell of its former self. Unfortunately for the building, demolition seems the only likely outcome. For me I'm hoping time will heal all wounds so I will live for long enough to actually earn that telegram from the Queen.
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