
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8. Day 8. Big mouth

I think my diet is now approaching the end of its 33rd year. As such there is not much I don't know about losing weight. Name a diet and there's a good chance I've tried it. Unfortunately there is NOTHING I don't know about gaining weight. I will not say that I'm big boned. The truth is I have a big mouth, rather like the Little Pied Cormorant I photographed at Roma Street Parkland this morning.
For the most part what I eat is healthy. That's not the issue. The issue is how much. Expert advise to listen to your body and stop eating when you are full totally misses the point. Hunger has so little to do with it.
I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I'm sad. I eat to be social, or when I'm bored, or want a distraction, or because there's food on my plate or there's food on someone else's plate, or because it tastes good or through some misguided concern about starving Ethiopians or because it's chocolate ... you get the idea.
Food and I have reached a happy place where for now we are coexisting in relative balance but something else I saw at the Parklands this morning was rather concerning. The sign informed that 57 fish died in 2009 because of excessive quantities of bread. What? If they ever find there's a similar problem in humans I am in big trouble. I've never met a carbohydrate I didn't like. Death by bread is too much to swallow even for a big mouth such as myself.


  1. That's a brilliant picture :) and I totally know what you mean about eating. I could have written all that!
    I'm slowly starting to listen to my body and stop eating when I'm satisfied, not stuffed!

  2. Wow that's very disconcerting about the bread isn't it!! I know it's bad for birds but didn't realise it was bad for fishy's too. Awesome photo! Well done on the food balance. One I am still battling with...

  3. it is too! i am also embarking on another weight loss mission *sighs* got to do it but its hard when i have such a sweet tooth and a disliking of exercise!
    fab photo as always x

  4. Amazing picture, carb induced croaking...wow that's a new one on me, is it wrong that it makes me want a piece of toast?

  5. Ha ha that really made me smile! 33 years of dieting doesn't sound like much fun but I know exactly what you mean and yes I think I have probably eaten enough bread over the years to kill a whole ocean of fish!

  6. Great photo!! and I know what you mean about the food!

  7. Death by bread? Eep. A new danger to be afraid of because I love me some bread.
    Beautiful photo! Your shallow depth of field really makes the bird stand out, and I love the pose you captured. Nice job.

  8. This is a fabulous photo

  9. Amazing photo. Death by too much bread, blimey, I'd be in trouble! Love it

  10. what a great picture and im sooooo with you on the eating front!

  11. Your pictures never fail to amaze me.
    Love the diet advice.
    Would love you to link up to Motivational Monday with it please.

  12. love the link, and the picture, you speak huge words of wisdom

  13. I could use a sign around my neck "Don't feed the Mummy". Only problem is, I am the only one who feeds anyone round here!

  14. Ha the anecdotal photograph is spot on for me as well; carbs are my best friend apart from when I cheat on it with cheese!

    Thanks for linking up

  15. Amazing shot. Did it take long to get it?

  16. Another amazing photo. You never disappoint! You have a real talent for photography. I have a new dSLR and I'm looking forward to getting some wildlife shots with it.
