It turns out that, in the words of Fame, "I'm going to live forever".

In fact, the New York Times represents just the opposite - quality, fairness, balance well researched journalism.
But back to me.
This article in the New York Times quotes a study that found "People who went to a museum or the theatre once a month or even every few months had a 31 percent reduced risk of dying in that period". (Actually it said theater but #American).
Now if one a month reduces your risk of dying by 31per cent, clearly someone such as myself must be immortal.
I went to the theatre twice today alone.
I am an exceptional human being.

Oh My God. Not only will I live forever but with shows like this it will be a long, happy (and very expensive) life.
Here are some pics - and no, I did not breach any copyright.
Both shows actually invited and encouraged audience members to snap away during the encore.
For everyone else that meant phones.
Naturally I had my camera on me. So the long, happy and expensive life will also be well documented.

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