
Saturday, January 19, 2019

January 19. Day 19. Disguises

 Forget walking a day in someone's shoes, why not go the whole hog and dress in their clothes.
I suspect most people like a good dress up, although some hide it better than others.
When you discard your clothes and put on something less familiar, less like your normal get up you become a slightly different person.
It's fun to be someone else every now and again.

Today I found myself in Disguises, a costume place just down the road. I like the shop a great deal if only because of the window display. They change it regularly depending on the time of year or what's in the public imagination at the time. So there might be leprechauns around St Patrick's Day or Storm Troopers when a new Star Wars film is about to be released. But that's just window dressing' literally. When you get inside you expose yourself to a whole wide world of possibilities.
Today the aim was to find a costume for Oliver who is heading to a party where the brief is to dress as a childhood here. I told him the wear . blue skivvy and say he was a Anthony Wiggle. There aren't too many skivvies  in Brisbane at this time of year. Anyway it was fun considering the options. To find out what he decided on you'll have to watch this space.

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