This is where I was going to take a photo a day in 2012 but forgot to stop. I also write something random to give you an insight into the craziness that is Susan's mind.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
December 31. Day 365. Thunder only happens when it's raining
These days we are spoilt. In the "good" old days we had to rely on our senses to know when a storm was coming. You could feel the storm in your bones. You could hear the thunder rumbling in the distance, coming closer and closer. You could see the clouds rolling in and the flashes of lightning. The birds knew it was coming. Now it's all early warning texts and emails and checking the weather radar on the Bureau of Meteorology app. We even have the very nice folk at the BoM Tweeting to correct myths such as that perpetuated by Fleetwood Mac. Thunder doesn't only happen when it's raining. Rick Threlfall was talking about dry thunderstorms. He could have been just as well talking about today. The thunder rumbled worse than a belly after a very large and very dodgy curry. The volume kept increasing. The clouds indicated the storm front moving in. The early warning text from the council said the same. But then, nothing. It was a big fat bully. It kept threatening but never actually hit. Modern technology and feeling it in your bones both failed. But it was impressive just the same.
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