
Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31. Day 151. Into everything

No-one stole my socks or chewed my boots as I was trying to get dressed this morning. Pulling on my leg-ins this morning was a simple without a set of razor-sharp puppy teeth on the other end of the tights turning getting dressed into a game of tug-of-war. There were no poos to clean up and no attempts to raid the dirty clothes basket for stinky undies. In short this morning would have been a breeze if it wasn't for the puppy sized hole in our house.
Let's face it, dogs are people too and a puppy has a way of working its way into your hearts. A puppy also has a way of getting into EVERYTHING especially anything made for humans not pups, hence the overnight stay at the vet's as reported yesterday.
The good news is that our little man came home this afternoon after a night having his stomach coated and kidneys flushed as a precaution. My guess is the Rumple has learned nothing from the exercise. Hopefully I have. Handbags, especially those containing pain relievers, do not live on the floor. Puppies might not know better. Their mums should.


  1. Cute photo, hope he's doing well

  2. I'm glad he is ok. We had to put our cat to sleep yesterday has he had a toxin in his body. He looks like a very cute pup :)

  3. awww i am so glad he is alright! xx

  4. awwww look at his little face, i am glad he is better. i dont know many oets who enjoy a trip to the vets!

  5. No wonder he's unhappy - I would be if someone tried doing that to me! Glad he's on the mend and Mummy's learnt her lesson.

  6. poor wee sausage, but he is so cute

  7. How cute, hope he's ok now.

  8. He doesn't look very happy there!!
    Just like our kids they get into everything!
